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How to get Children Engaged in Lessons

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

All Teachers and TAs are responsible for keeping children engaged in their learning, but it is not easy to maintain high engagement levels.

The natural curiosity and inquisitiveness of a child are to be treasured, but they can cause them to have difficulty concentrating for long periods of time. To ensure that children are actively engaged in their learning, you need the right tactics to capture and keep their attention.

It is important for a teacher to adapt to a child's brain capacity and concentration span based on his or her age. The key to igniting a child's interest in a particular topic or subject area is to spark it. Children are more likely to remember what they learn if they are interested and entertained by what they are taught.

It is necessary to use a wide range of tactics to manage children's attention in a classroom setting. To ensure that children learn the message easier and more effectively, here are some ways to engage them in lessons.

Find Out What They Know

Children learn knowledge and facts from all sorts of channels and sources and will be delighted to share it with their peers. Asking children questions rather than lecturing will boost engagement and keep them interested.

Write the topic on your A2 Wedge Whiteboard and ask the children what they already know about the subject. As a result, repetition of already acquired knowledge will be avoided, which can lead to the class getting bored and losing focus.

Make It Meaningful

To achieve full engagement, students must see activities as meaningful. To make activities personally meaningful, you can, connect them with students' previous knowledge and experiences, thus highlighting the value of an assigned activity in personally relevant ways. 

Embrace Collaborative Learning

A powerful facilitator of engagement in learning activities is collaborative learning. Students' engagement may be amplified when they work effectively with others (Wentzel, 2009), primarily due to a sense of connection to others (Deci & Ryan, 2000). Group activities work best on Wedge White Boards. A group setting is more authentic and effective than a traditional classroom setting. Children learn how to develop social skills, communication skills, and conflict resolution skills by working as a team. Teamwork allows children to develop a variety of perspectives, draw connections, and build on each other's ideas. Collaboration facilitates learning, promotes overall development, and improves learning outcomes for children.

Make it Fun

Fun is the key to student engagement and learning.

Turn lessons into GamesBased on the concept of making it fun, a growing number of Teachers are recognizing the educational benefits of playing games in the classroom.

Turn lessons into Stories – Another highly engaging classroom strategy are storytelling as it combines both the emotional and logical areas of the brain. By activating multiple areas of the brain, the listener is better able to engage with and remember the information within the story.

Engaging primaary school children in KS1 learning through story telling using the Blue A2 Wedge double sided, magentic and dry wipe whiteboard
A2 Wedge Whiteboard being used to illustrate storytelling.

Offer Choice

In a general classroom setting, allow the children to decide how the day’s activities will be conducted, simple choices like how long they will carry out a specific activity, can help to keep them motivated and engaged. When you give them choices, they will be more alert and engaged with what's going on around them. Furthermore, it will give them a sense of responsibility and involvement, which should encourage more interaction.

Engaging and motivating students of any age can be a constant challenge, but careful planning and a dynamic approach can make a huge difference.

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